Because We Care!

DOB Code Violation: What To Do

wall opened up for repair

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Find a Good Plumber to Correct DOB Code Violations

For unsuspecting New York homeowners whose heating and plumbing infrastructures simply came with the house, a code violation from the Department of Buildings often comes as a shock. Unfortunately, even code violations that donโ€™t carry a fine can bring with them costly legal proceedings on top of the cost of repairs. If your residential property incurs a plumbing code violation, the best call you can make is to A Good Plumber. Our experienced team will bring your plumbing up to code, assess your property for other potential problems, and help you obtain the proper โ€œProof of Correctionโ€ forms.ย 

Whoโ€™s at Fault?

A plumbing code violation doesnโ€™t necessarily mean youโ€™ve done something wrong. More often than not, the type of violation youโ€™re likely to see as a New York City homeowner is the result of an inexperienced plumber or a previous ownerโ€™s DIY efforts. Sometimes, changes to the New York City Building Code will tighten enforcement and create violation concerns where none existed before. Unfortunately, youโ€™ll be held responsible for any DOB violations on the property that you own. Until you rectify the issue, you can run into problems improving, refinancing, or selling your home. If the house is a rental property, violations could cause you to lose tenants and rental income. Depending on the severity of the infraction, it could even result in a criminal court summons and prosecution, so you should never ignore a violation.ย  ย 

How Long Can I Wait?

Each code violation comes with a citation indicating the nature of the problem and how long the homeowner has to fix it. Heat and water issues must be resolved immediately, while non-hazardous problems carry a 90-day timeline. If youโ€™ve received a citation, look for a โ€œcure byโ€ or hearing date. So long as you repair the problem and have it inspected and certified before that date, you should be able to avoid a hearing and obtain a revised Certificate of Occupancy. In any case, you should start a conversation with a qualified contractor as soon as possible.ย  ย 

Why A Good Plumber?

When it comes to DOB code violations, your best bet is to work with an NYC Licensed Master Plumber. These professionals meet the legal requirements to work on both natural gas and water lines in the city. Our Brooklyn-based team at A Good Plumber is led by multiple Master Plumbers who oversee all projects completed by our technicians. Our plumbers are intimately familiar and always up-to-date with the policies laid out by the Environmental Control Board and Department of Buildings. You can trust us to bring your systems up to code and to proactively alert you to any additional code violations we find so that you can fix them before youโ€™re issued a violation notice. Because we work in strict accordance with the latest safety laws and the highest industry standards, you can rest assured that our technicians wonโ€™t create new code violations in the process of correcting old ones.ย 

For You and All New Yorkers

Getting hit with a DOB code violation can be painful, but itโ€™s all in the interest of improved safety for you and your neighbors. These policies and their enforcement are put in place so that plumbing systems work properly and donโ€™t pose a danger to anyone. Should you encounter a citation, give A Good Plumber a call. Weโ€™ll resolve the problem โ€“ once and for all โ€“ and make the process as efficient and painless as possible.ย 

All advice provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. A Good plumber does not assume any responsibility for the outcomes of attempting home plumbing projects. It is always recommended to consult with a licensed professional for plumbing work to ensure safety and compliance with local codes and regulations.